Connecting With Your Pets

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I contacted Keao to get some insight on how my fur baby Gizmo was doing and what areas we could improve on to make him comfortable. He's been having a difficult time with his health lately and I was wondering if Keao would be able to pick up on any of them.... I was completely taken back at the specifics she got into from his eyes to his left ventricle of his heart! To say she left me completely speechless is an understatement. Thank you Keao for sharing your gift with us! You honestly don't know how much peace it brought me knowing Gizmo is happy and appreciates what we're doing for him.

Dianna & Gizmo

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Keao Rocks! One session with Keao literally shifted our relationship with our dog Cali. Our love and affection for Cali has grown even deeper. We learned how much she was grieving the loss of our dog Bodhi and what we can say to Cali to support her. She is such an independent dog and rarely seems to want affection, yet we learned from Keao that she wants it, in fact she craves it. So, we have been showering her with affection and she is receiving it like never before. We followed several more suggestions Keao made for Cali and our other dog Saint and all have been very positive for all of us. Thank you so much, Keao. You are a wonderful resource to enhance our relationship with our beloved pets.

Kim Ward & Hillary Stokes

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I couldn't wait to write this testimonial after my session with Keao.  I was worried about my ill 14 year old cat and was seeking another insight on how best to help him. Within the first two minutes Keao pinpointed exactly what we suspected was wrong and how to go about helping Spanky.  Before the session I wrote down a list of questions but Keao answered most of them before I even had a chance to ask!  It was a truly amazing experience giving me hope and peace.  I couldn't have asked or hoped for a better experience.  

Vicki Rawlings

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